Yash’s Retrospective

What have I done so far?

  1. Provided thorough feedback on people’s projects both prior to and during N@TM
  2. Performed live review with Ms. Pataki prior to N@TM
  3. Started the Del Norte CS Tutoring Club

What am I planning to do?

Thinking about what I will do next in compsci includes but is not limited to:

  • Taking AP CSA next year
  • Participating in summer programs or educational courses to further my knowledge
  • Continuing to work on my social network project
  • Continuing to improve my MCQ grades
  • Majoring in computer science in college
  • Participating in hackathons
  • Attempting to get an internship in the field of computer science (Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc.)
  • Having a career in computer science

After all, the world is eventually going to be run by computers, so why not be the one to run them?

What have I learned from the project?

Hard Skill Strengths:

  • I have learned how to use Flask to create a social network application
  • I have learned how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a front-end for my application
  • I have learned how to use Python to create the back-end for my application
  • I have learned how to use APIs to connect my front-end to my back-end
  • I have learned how to use databases to store user information
  • I have learned how to use Git and GitHub to manage my project
  • I have learned how to use Postman to test my APIs
  • I have learned how to use AWS to host my application
  • I have learned how to use Docker to containerize my application

Soft Skill Strengths:

  • I have learned how to communicate effectively with my team
  • I have learned how to manage my time effectively
  • I have learned how to work with others to achieve a common goal
  • I have learned how to give and receive feedback constructively from you
  • I have learned how to convey a point through a variety of media forms (blogs, live reviews, CPT video, etc.)


  • Ensuring that I can inspire others to work hard and achieve their goals
  • Ensuring that I can effectively communicate with others, especially group members who don’t have the same level of respect for the project as I do
  • Ensuring that I can effectively manage my stress levels to prevent burnout
  • Ensuring that I can effectively manage my sleep schedule to prevent exhaustion
  • Ensuring that I am ALWAYS involved in the project and not just a bystander

Next Steps

  1. Continue improving Prism
  2. Continue improving my MCQ grades
  3. Continue understanding Collegeboard FRQs and CPT language
  4. Continue working closely with Mr. Mortensen to get good advice on how to improve my projects and skills overall