Yash's Individual Reflection
Yash’s Retrospective
What have I done so far?
- Provided thorough feedback on people’s projects both prior to and during N@TM
- Performed live review with Ms. Pataki prior to N@TM
- Started the Del Norte CS Tutoring Club
What am I planning to do?
Thinking about what I will do next in compsci includes but is not limited to:
- Taking AP CSA next year
- Participating in summer programs or educational courses to further my knowledge
- Continuing to work on my social network project
- Continuing to improve my MCQ grades
- Majoring in computer science in college
- Participating in hackathons
- Attempting to get an internship in the field of computer science (Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc.)
- Having a career in computer science
After all, the world is eventually going to be run by computers, so why not be the one to run them?
What have I learned from the project?
Hard Skill Strengths:
- I have learned how to use Flask to create a social network application
- I have learned how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a front-end for my application
- I have learned how to use Python to create the back-end for my application
- I have learned how to use APIs to connect my front-end to my back-end
- I have learned how to use databases to store user information
- I have learned how to use Git and GitHub to manage my project
- I have learned how to use Postman to test my APIs
- I have learned how to use AWS to host my application
- I have learned how to use Docker to containerize my application
Soft Skill Strengths:
- I have learned how to communicate effectively with my team
- I have learned how to manage my time effectively
- I have learned how to work with others to achieve a common goal
- I have learned how to give and receive feedback constructively from you
- I have learned how to convey a point through a variety of media forms (blogs, live reviews, CPT video, etc.)
- Ensuring that I can inspire others to work hard and achieve their goals
- Ensuring that I can effectively communicate with others, especially group members who don’t have the same level of respect for the project as I do
- Ensuring that I can effectively manage my stress levels to prevent burnout
- Ensuring that I can effectively manage my sleep schedule to prevent exhaustion
- Ensuring that I am ALWAYS involved in the project and not just a bystander
Next Steps
- Continue improving Prism
- Continue improving my MCQ grades
- Continue understanding Collegeboard FRQs and CPT language
- Continue working closely with Mr. Mortensen to get good advice on how to improve my projects and skills overall