I partook in two practice final reviews, one from Ms. Pataki, and from Aadi Bhat in Period 1. I think doing these practice reviews were helpful because it helped me udnerstand what it would be like for a person who has no context on my project understand what it is about.

These reviews made me reflect on how I was presenting things. Sometimes, I went on random tangents explaining code and features that only made sense to me.

Taking part in these reviews helped me refine what I am saying, shorten my time, and make my presentation more effective. I was advised to cut the random parts out and stick to the point, which helped me increase the efficiency of my review too.

It also shows that I am taking genuine interest within this final and displaying passion, as I genuinely want to succeed in not only this class, but in life.

I think that being able to explain my work to coworkers is a highly useful skill in any industry, and I think this final has taught me how to do just that.

Aadi Bhat Peer Grading Rubric

Category Points Description Peer Grade
Five tasks over 12 weeks 5 List five things completed, including issues addressed, burndown tracking, and presentation work. 4.8
Full Stack Project Demo 2 Demonstrate the project, highlight CPT requirements, and incorporate N@tM feedback. 1.7
Project Feature Blog Write-up 1 Use CPT/FRQ language to write a structured blog post on project features. .9
MCQ Completion 1 Successfully complete and reflect on multiple-choice questions. 1
Retrospective Reflection 1 - Reflect on strengths and weaknesses
- Create next steps plans for improvement
- Engage with peer projects and document interests
- Think about future steps in CompSci, classes, college, internships, or career
- Help a new peer with final exam prep or conduct a live review with Ms. Pataki
- Send a detailed summary of review points 24 hours in advance, including a self-grade assessment
Total 10 Maximum possible score. 9.23

As a percentage, the lowest grade was in the full stack project demo, which was probably because I went on random tangents. Taking Aadi’s advice in mind, I will update the way I present during the final in order to ensure this score goes higher.

Overall, he thought I was pretty deep and reflective in my work over this trimester.