Manas's Project Feature Blog
Daily Question FRQ: Key Features & Implementation
1. Full-Stack Implementation
The Daily Question FRQ project is a full-stack web application that integrates the following technologies:
- Backend: Flask (Python) for API handling.
- Frontend: JavaScript for UI interaction.
- Database: SQLite3 with SQLAlchemy for structured data storage.
This project enables users to submit, update, and manage free response questions in an interactive manner.
2. Backend API (Flask)
The backend provides a REST API using Flask-RESTful and secures requests using JWT authentication. It supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on free response question entries.
Endpoints Overview:
Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | /api/post |
Create a new free response entry |
GET | /api/posts |
Retrieve all free response entries |
PUT | /api/post |
Update an existing entry |
DELETE | /api/post |
Remove an entry from the database |
Example API Implementation (Post Method):
def post(self):
Add a new free response entry.
body = request.get_json()
# Validate required fields
title = body.get('title')
comment = body.get('comment')
if not title or not comment:
return {'message': 'Title and comment are required'}, 400
# Create a new free response entry
new_entry = FreeResponse(title=title, comment=comment)
return jsonify({'message': 'Entry added successfully', 'entry':})
except Exception as e:
return {'message': 'Failed to create entry', 'error': str(e)}, 500
3. Database Management (SQLAlchemy)
The application uses SQLAlchemy to define and manage the relational database. Each free response entry consists of:
: Unique identifier (Primary Key).title
: Title of the free response question.comment
: User’s response to the question.
Model Definition:
class FreeResponse(db.Model):
FreeResponse Model
The FreeResponse class represents a free response question entry.
id (db.Column): The primary key, an integer representing the unique identifier for the record.
title (db.Column): A string representing the title of the free response question.
comment (db.Column): A string representing the user's response.
__tablename__ = 'free_responses'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)
comment = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)
def __init__(self, title, comment):
Initializes the Object
title (str): The title of the free response question.
comment (str): The user's response.
self.title = title
self.comment = comment
Database Initialization:
def initFreeResponses():
The initFreeResponses function creates the FreeResponses table and adds tester data to the table.
with app.app_context():
"""Create database and tables"""
"""Tester data for table"""
tester_data = [
FreeResponse(title='What is the impact of technology on education?', comment='Technology has revolutionized education by providing access to a wealth of information and resources.'),
FreeResponse(title='How does literature reflect society?', comment='Literature often mirrors societal values and issues, offering insights into cultural norms and human behavior.')
for data in tester_data:
print(f"Record created: {repr(data)}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error creating record for entry {data.title}: {e}")
Restore Database from Backup:
def restore(data):
Restore free responses from a list of dictionaries, replacing existing entries.
data (list): List of dictionaries containing free response data.
dict: Dictionary of restored FreeResponse objects.
with app.app_context():
# Clear the existing table
restored_entries = {}
for entry_data in data:
entry = FreeResponse(
restored_entries[entry_data['id']] = entry
return restored_entries
4. Frontend (JavaScript & HTML)
The frontend provides a user-friendly interface that enables users to interact with the database. It includes:
- Form Fields: Inputs for free response question details.
- Buttons: Create, Update, Delete, Fetch operations.
- Dynamic UI Updates: JavaScript updates the page without reloading.
Fetch API Example:
async function fetchFreeResponses() {
const response = await fetch('/api/posts', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${jwtToken}`
const data = await response.json();
document.getElementById('response-display').innerText = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
5. CPT Requirements & Key Concepts
This project aligns with CPT (Create Performance Task) requirements by demonstrating:
CPT Requirements Table
CPT Requirement | Feature Embodying the Requirement | How this feature fulfills the requirement |
A list | Database stores multiple entries | The database stores and retrieves multiple free response entries as list items |
A procedure | initFreeResponses() function |
Initializes the database with test data, ensuring structured data setup |
A call to the procedure | fetchFreeResponses() function |
Calls API endpoint to fetch data from the backend |
Selection | Conditional checks in API routes | Ensures valid data is processed before adding/updating database entries |
Iteration | for loops in Python & JavaScript |
Loops iterate through database entries and frontend responses to process them |
The Daily Question FRQ project effectively demonstrates full-stack development principles with a focus on database management, RESTful APIs, and frontend integration. It also adheres to CPT guidelines, making it a strong candidate for submission.