Features: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Next Steps

1. Poll Submission Feature


  • Allows users to submit poll responses smoothly and efficiently
  • Integrates well with the backend using pythonuri


  • The UI is boring
  • The page reloads whenever you press update or delete, causing the site to look clunky

Next Steps:

  • Make good error messages, instead of sending errors to the console
  • Change so that page reload is not needed for update and delete functions
  • Make the UI more interesting with data visualizations (perhaps a bar chart)

2. Backend API Integration


  • Provides full CRUD operations to manage the DB
  • Uses JWT for security


  • There is no API documentation
  • Requires a learning curve to figure out how to use it

Next Steps:

  • Write API documentation so that people know how to use the APIs
  • Add analytics page in the admin panel for admins to track usage

3. Creation of system health API


  • Works when run locally
  • outputs relevant data in a readable way


  • Was made very recently
  • May not work on deployed site sometimes

Next Steps:

  • Fix the API so that it uses the htop -n 1 command to get data instead of using the builtin python functions that are likely not working due to AWS security settings.

Self-Grade Table out of 1

Category Details Self-Grade (Out of 1)
Learning & Skill Growth Learned a lot about API integration, and dynamic UI updates. More importantly, I learned how to avoid “throwing the baby” 0.20
Commit Analytics Have been steadily committing to the frontend and backend since the beginning, however frontend commits need to be more purpose driven. 0.21
Work Ethic & Collaboration Collaborated well and improved soft skills. 0.15
Areas for Improvement Need to focus on enhancing UI/UX design & error handling. 0.14
Total Overall, I learned a lot this tri and truly understood how to make an API instead of blindly copy-pasting from ChatGPT. 0.90

Analytics Table

Frontend Contributions Backend Contributions
Image Image

Self-Grade Table out of 10

Category Points Description Self Grade
Five tasks over 12 weeks 5 List five things completed, including issues addressed, burndown tracking, and presentation work. 4.6
Full Stack Project Demo 2 Demonstrate the project, highlight CPT requirements, and incorporate N@tM feedback. 1.85
Project Feature Blog Write-up 1 Use CPT/FRQ language to write a structured blog post on project features. 0.92
MCQ Completion 1 Successfully complete and reflect on multiple-choice questions. 0.91
Retrospective Reflection 1 - Reflect on strengths and weaknesses
- Create next steps plans for improvement
- Engage with peer projects and document interests
- Think about future steps in CompSci, classes, college, internships, or career
- Help a new peer with final exam prep or conduct a live review with Ms. Pataki
- Send a detailed summary of review points 24 hours in advance, including a self-grade assessment
Total 10 Maximum possible score. 9.18


This feature reflection emphasizes the value of smooth poll submissions, secure backend API handling, and basic system health checks. Despite UI/UX and deployment concerns, focusing on improved documentation, error handling, and visual enhancements will help elevate overall usability in the next development cycle. I also learned a lot this tri, from knowing nothing about a REST API to building a fully functional one in a short amount of time.